God Knows!

God is so, so good! He has always spoken to me through music, and the words in music, and this morning, after praying and asking for prayers God would reveal His work and leading in my life, He sent me the song “Reason” by Unspoken. The words, but even more so, the images in this video were confirmation He sees me, my desire to fly, and my failed attempts. He is my loving Father, picking me up when I fail, and loving me through it all. He protects me when I am on the verge of going too far outside of His will for my life. When I am ready to give up, he takes my defeat and my hope out of the trash bin and helps me to fly again. Not only this, but He joins me in flight, and others are inspired to fly by my example and trust in my Heavenly Father.

Here’s a link to the video:

If this weren’t enough, He confirms His word to me through my daily devotional for September 12th in “My Utmost for His Highest” Oswald Chambers. The title “Going Through Spiritual Confusion”, which speaks directly to what I am experiencing in this season of my life. Here’s a small excerpt:

“There are times in your spiritual life when there is confusion, and the way out of it is not simply to say that you should not be confused. It is not a matter of right and wrong, but a matter of God taking you through a way that you temporarily do not understand. And it is only by going through the spiritual confusion that you will come to the understanding of what God wants for you.”

Then on my way to work today as I was contemplating all the amazing ways God shows up and answers my prayer, letting me know I am not forgotten, nor are His plans for my life void. His promises are all true and are in force right now, right here. I look up and the Holy Spirit draws my attention to the truck in front of me.

I first notice the license plate, which is GODKNWS – yes, God knows! I am not forgotten! Then the Holy Spirit brings my attention to the upper left tailgate of the truck. It is the “Son” winking in reassurance, with the words below stating “Crystal Clear”. God says it should now be crystal clear how much He loves me, is with me, and is for me. His plans have not changed, and He is always on time.
How can I have any doubt that God is for me? He has a perfect plan for my life, and I am exactly where I am supposed to be, even if I feel confused and battered.

I know this is an answer to prayers I, my friends, and faith community have and are praying for me. Now I can’t wait to take the amazing ride into the sky with my Papa!

I Chose to Believe

Sometimes people move out of our lives quietly without explanation and we are left to wonder…

The enemy comes in and plays on all our insecurities, whispering carefully chosen words to make us doubt ourselves. We begin to question the integrity of the one who moved away from us, twist and distort the goodness and kind words exchanged.

Experiencing this at different times in my life, I came to trust people less. I became closed,  chosing to have an expectation that people would not stick around.

God continues to open my heart on this amazing journey and challenges all of my beliefs and attitudes about people and community. 

When I think of my Lord and Savior Jesus, the One I follow, I remember how He calls us to love one another and to bear one another’s burdens. It is then I choose to believe the best. I choose to believe when someone walks out of my life, I imagine them walking closely with the Holy Spirit, following as He directs.

I choose to believe they will find healing and resolution as they walk out the perfect will of the Lord for their life, the path He has prepared for them to serve in His Kingdom, glorifying His name.

When I choose to focus on love and kindness, believe in the best of who I know they are in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I feel perfect peace and know they are in God’s loving hands.  I see them clearly as a brother or sister in Christ and I find these thoughts have become a prayer. 

I choose to believe God is good and rest in the knowledge they love and serve Him. I choose to believe that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purposes.  I rest in the peace that passes all understanding, and smile for the time shared,  loving our Lord and praying for one another. ~♡

Longing is a beautiful thing…

Longing lives inside of me…it isn’t something I can turn off, I am only able to distract it with activity or food, salty, sweet, then salty again. When everything is settled and quiet, the emptiness inside grows, gnawing away until I sink into the deep bottomless hole of missing the one thing I want so badly….connection. A voice, whispering my name, a gentle touch, knowing I matter to someone. Longing is half poison, half hope.

Wait on the Lord…

Grateful God continues teaching me about the power of waiting on Him and His perfect timing. Even as I struggle with this, He stands beside me and holds my hand, all part of a sacred dance. He teaches me how

to follow His gentle leading, and in faith, I bow my will and surrender to His perfect will in all things. ~♡

God’s Grace

I always had a secrity blanket as a little girl. I was like Linus and took it everywhere. When my parents were to busy, or fighting, my security blanket was there with silky soft edges and well worn flannel, soft against my skin. Always within reach, surrounding me with its warmth.

God’s grace is like the security blanket that brought me so much comfort as a child.~♡

The Holy Spirit is on the Move!

This is the photo on my calendar for June. A white horse represents the Holy Spirit, and in the picture, this beautiful white horse is on the move. Since I flipped the calendar page to June, the Lord has been whispering to me that the Holy Spirit is on the move! He is moving in my life and in the lives of my family, friends, my community! I praise Your Holy name Jesus! I thank you for answered prayers, and prayers You are actively answering right now in ways seen and unseen! I know You are moving in my life, in my heart and mind, and making me increasingly sensitive and in tune with Your Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit, like a mighty rushing wind, move in the lives and all situations of my family and friends and growing community I have prayed for and on behalf of. I pray salvation, deliverance from depression, healing from cancer, healing from diseases of all kinds, favor in legal matters, sales of property, finding of beautiful new dwellings to call home, encounters and relationship building for those longing for a spouse according to your perfect will and Kingdom purposes. I pray each person I am praying for will feel a sense of peace and confidence as each casts all their cares on You. I pray each will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that You care for him/her and that You are for him/her. I pray this all in Your beautiful and Holy name Jesus! Amen!

I Will Know Him

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for reaching out and extending your hand to lead me. I love the look in your eyes, beckoning to follow, wooing my trust on the path you are leading me. When I think of the relationship I have with you, I realize this is the intimacy, trust, and submission I want to experience with the man you have prepared for me. I know the only way I can experience this close, deep intimacy with a man is if he is also in deep, close, abiding intimacy with You. I will see in his eyes the same gentle beckoning, coaxing to trust and follow. I will see You – I will recognize him by Your Holy Spirit. He will recognize me as his spirit relaxes into the comfort one feels with a dear friend because Your Holy Spirit is with me.

Thank you Jesus for all you are teaching me in this season and thank You for reminding me how much You love me. It is only with You and through You I will come to life everlasting. Guide me in all Your ways and keep me from the snares of the enemy. I pray this all in your precious name Jesus! Amen!

Refiner’s Fire

What is it like to be in the refiner’s fire? What is the refiner’s fire? I ask these questions because in my heart of hearts, I feel I am in the white hot center of the refiner’s fire. There is no where to move. There is no where to go, only to sit and burn.

The vision of the refiner’s fire is from Malachi 3:2. The words of the prophet speak of the coming of the Lord and how he is like a refiner’s fire. But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. Malachi 3:2 NIV

As God has opened my heart and asked me to trust Him fully and completely, I have experienced his love more deeply and more intimately. I am also challenged and tempted in the flesh to a greater degree. I give in too often, and I miss the intimacy and closeness with the Lord. When I indulge my flesh, I am naturally separated from the only thing which truly satisfies ~ my Lord, my God.

So I can waste time pleasure seeking, yet finding no pleasure at all, or submit and obey, deny myself, pick up my cross daily and follow Him. In this process, I must die to myself and submit to the refiner’s fire and allow Him to do His good and perfect work in me.

I ask for your prayers and welcome your experiences of the refiner’ fire in your life. Be blessed! ~♡